No matter your role in the organization, the company closest to the customer always wins.
I asked a scaling CEO whose sales are slowing, “When was the last time you spoke with your customers?” [Blank stare, small giggle, red face, inaudible, ‘fuck’]
Take 5 minutes right now and block 30 minutes a week in your calendar to speak with Customers. You’ll be shocked at the insights and edge it’ll create for marketing, sales, and ops.
How you contribute and where you focus depends on your role.
Consider your effectiveness:
- Managers have task lists (tactical execution; GSD = get shit done)
- The C Suite manages objectives (strategic execution; FSO – figure shit out)
Are you fulfilling the role the company needs you to fulfill?
I saw a picture of some high school teachers. They’re getting old, but I still feel (act?) like I’m 18. 🤣
It reminded me of Mentors.
My earliest Mentor, Joe Falana, said, “It doesn’t exist if it’s not in writing.” He’s right. It’s not about covering your ass. It’s about creating clarity and the opportunity to scale.
He also ruthlessly reviewed projects as “Done or Not Done.” 😂 It was like a drill sergeant. No further explanation was allowed. “Not Done” got two follow-ups:
- “Do you need help?”
- “When will it be done?”
Lots of execution in that no-nonsense environment.
[PS – What’s your favorite habit or insight from your Mentor?]
It is easier to eliminate negativity than it is to generate positivity.
Think about the implications for people and culture.
Love to hear your Mentor’s insight.
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