Back in my 20s, when I was young and dumb, my best friend Craig and I stormed Vegas. 😂
On our last day, as the sun poked out around 6:49 am, after an epic streak nearing ten straight hours at the table without a bathroom interruption and most certainly included an entire case of Red Bulls, I turned to him and said, “It’s time to quit. I can’t see the dice anymore.”
Business is much the same way. It’s all about clarity. When you can’t see the dice anymore, it’s time to regroup and re-strategize. Don’t just sit blindly at the table gambling with your company’s resources.
• A childhood friend’s mother passed away this week. Her spry energy and laugh penetrated the room. She seemed to live an epic life.
Made me think: If you died tomorrow, what would you regret not doing? Psst. You still have time.
• Stayed at the Chateau Elan for my anniversary with Rachel. It was fannnncy. But they had cheap, industrial single-ply toilet paper. There’s a difference between a cheap ass and a dumb ass.
Made me think:
1️⃣ Where are you using single-ply in your business?
2️⃣ There are plenty of places to be cheap. Don’t cheap out on your ass.
• Talked to a friend over the weekend. He clearly was living in his “Glory Days” because there was nothing to talk about in his present day. ☹️
Made me think: How do you keep life in the front windshield instead of the rearview mirror?
• In Denver mountains (🥶) with RedT’s leadership team thinking about the present challenges and the future opportunities.
Made me think: How the {%}^{^ do people run their business without a plan? You DO have a plan, right?
Out of the loop until Friday. Catch you on the flip 💪🙏❤️
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