Words matter. Choose wisely. I visited Charlotte last week and said at least 20 times that “words matter.” Thoughtless words evaporate into thin air yet leave a stench.
Have you considered the magnitude of the words you speak to yourself and each other? Words impact your beliefs, attitude and approach, actions, and ultimately results.
MMT: How are you speaking to yourself – and others? Is this an area to upgrade?
• Over the weekend, I woke up and journaled about what I’m interested in versus what I need to do. For instance, I love leadership and would read about it every day, all day long.
However, in a recession, my clients need insights on leads and conversions = marketing and sales. I need to be a great thought partner. I’ve chosen $100M Leads, Fanatical Prospecting, and New Sales Simplified as the books I’m devouring. It’s what I need right now – because my people need it.
MMT: A Craftsman has a plan to intentionally grow beyond what you’re interested in. Are you taking a Craftsman’s mentality? Where do you need to grow?
If you’d like my list of books I’m reading about the 11 leadership competencies I’ve identified, I’d be happy to share them. Send me a text. – +1 (856) 266-0019
PS – Happy Halloween! Take off your mask. People are looking at you and cringing. 🤡
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