So much to read, so little time.
I just spent a good four hours cleaning out my inbox for 2019. So much hope and promise that never materialized in my newsletter subscriptions. As someone who consumes information the way whales consume plankton, my mind says I literally can’t get enough, but the clock says otherwise.
Poor writing is like a guest who stays too long at the house. He starts to stink and you begin to resent seeing them pull up to your house. I purged all those out of my life using a tool called Worth every penny of the subscription to skinny out the mailbox heading into 2020.
Here are the writers I kept in my inbox with writing and insights that inspire:
- Seth Godin – Seth! His daily 5am delivery is something I anticipate
- Brian Johnson – Want to optimize your life? His daily free +1 resource is solid.
- Think with Google – I now pair these insights with S-B and HBR for a 1-2-3 punch of ridiculous wisdom and insights that people are only starting to think about. Their tagline of “Insights. Ideas. Inspiration.” never lets me down.
- Strategy-Business – Every week, there is an article that raises my eyebrow and enhances my thinking.
- Harvard Business Review – My favorite source of new, innovative business thinking. It’s a never miss resource.
- Greater Good Science Center – GGSC promotes positive thinking and an intentional approach to life
- James Clear – The Atomic Habits author and his 3-2-1 newsletter arrive every Thursday. I crave it.
- Impact Theory – Tom and his interviews blow me away – regularly.
- CharacterLab – Angela Duckworth is behind this project. So much to learn here as parents and teachers.
- This Week in Startups – As someone who assiduously studies business, Jason Calacanis delivers on “the most interesting, outrageous & illuminating stories from the world of entrepreneurship.”
- Ryan Holiday – the Texas Tornado’s pen spills magic from its tip and enlightens me every time I read his words
What are you reading for enlightenment and inspiration in 2020?
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