Every great business solves a problem. After running companies and advising hundreds of other companies, there is one clear truth:
Employees go home miserable and leaders go home stressed and frustrated.
We wondered why. Using the Root Cause analysis of “5 Whys” here’s what we came up with when we asked, “Why” five times.
The Problem
Employees go home miserable and leaders go home stressed and frustrated.
1. Why?
Businesses are not compelling, interesting and fun places to spend 40+ hours a week.
2. Why?
Leaders hold the key and they suck at leading. But it’s not their fault…
3. Why?
Leaders are unprepared to lead.
4. Why?
There’s no good training program to help leaders create a framework for success.
5. Why?
Good question. That’s why we’re creating a framework for businesses to succeed and leaders to confidently inspire, so employees can win.