You know you get in your way, right? We’ve talked about this before.
And, you know what I see clearly in you when your team is stuck? It’s the “No but…” syndrome.
You say “No, but…” to nearly every idea coming across your desk. It might feel good at the moment. It shows you are smart. You know more (because you have more experience or information).
I get it. There is a no-nonsense approach you’re in right now. You’re busy, and you’re focused.
And I also get it. Exercising your intellect by pointing out what’s wrong with a view is way more instinctive when considering new ideas.
But do you know what you’re doing with your team when you’re in mission mode like this?
You’re not building relationships.
And, you know that building relationships and unlocking potential is the #1 role you fulfill as a leader. All your work is through your people.
“No” creates a dead end for the idea. And, it’s crushing for the person.
A constant “no” destroys the confidence of those people in your care.
And you know what else happens? Your people are going to stop coming to you with ideas.
Try Yes and…
Here’s another way to look at it. Start trying “Yes and…” instead of “No but…”
Next week, stop frustrating your people by saying “not but…” to everything. Commit yourself to building on every idea that comes your way. Yes, it takes more time and energy, and creativity. Sometimes as a leader, you have to do stuff that doesn’t scale. This is one of those times.
Focus on building an idea instead of tearing it down.
Remember. “No” is considering only one situation.
“Yes and…” creates alternatives and new opportunities. It’s a powerful tool to generate breakthrough ideas in your team. And, in this environment, we have to be open and curious.
Let me know how the challenge goes for you. Specifically, let me know the vibe on your team. See if openness helps pull you out of a rut.
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