I spent three days recently with a Provenite company conducting their quarterly strategic plan. This company is fully committed to unlocking their potential through proper planning.
During our time, we discussed what “North Star” methodology is best.
- A vision statement?
- A mission statement?
- A brand promise?
- A revenue number?
- An exit multiple?
You know what? It doesn’t matter.
Let me explain…
Operationalizing Your North Star
It is far less important choosing WHAT method you’ll use compared to HOW you use it. Any of these can serve as your North Star. I’ve worked with enough companies to see them all work – and when they don’t work.
Use one to create a North Star for the business then organize the company around it. You make better, more decisive business bets when you know where you’re headed. It is more important to operationalize whatever methodology you use compared to the detail of what you use. Don’t get tripped at the starting line quibbling over what methodology “works best.” They all can work – if you use them.
And psst. When you operationalize the North Star into your business, your job as leader becomes waaaay easier.
What does Operationalize Mean?
Here’s what really matters. Put your North Star into daily practice:
- Are you using it consistently in all aspects of the company (decisions, communications, promotions)?
- Is it inspiring?
- Are people crystal clear on where you are headed?
- Do you always check strategic decisions and resource allocations to make sure it aligns to your North Star?
- Does it inform everyone how we allocate resources on opportunities?
- Is it used to galvanize the company? After all, you should be building a community on a mission.
When your people know where you’re going, they need less direction. And that means you can take a stress-free vacation. Clarity, after all, is kindness.
Leadership Gap Trap
Here’s the trap when you don’t have a North Star to plan against. It’s the trap I layout in The Leadership Gap (next cohort starting end of January – text me if you want details):
- Lack of clarity leads to inconsistent actions
- Inconsistent actions lead to confusion
- Confusion leads to frustration
- Frustration leads to a break in trust (or creating churn)
- Low trust leads to a lack of performance
- A lack of performance puts you out of business
And so, that’s your job as the leader. Stop that spiral. Create clarity.
Patagonia in Action
Patagonia has long been admired for the quality of its products and unwavering conviction to its mission and values. Check out this interaction and how it’s internal clarity drove their decision.
Right Resources, Right Opportunities
I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. Success is all about getting the right resources on the right opportunities. The question is what resources and which opportunities. A guiding North Star thought – no matter which methodology you use – will help you get further down the line and galvanize your company to do great things.
What is your company‘s North Star? Let me know. (Seriously. Hit ‘reply’ now)
PS – And, if your company doesn’t have a North Star, then as a leader, make sure your team, department or division has one. Fill that gap.
PPS – if you’ve enjoyed this thought, can you do me a favor? Forward it to another leader who might benefit. The goal is for all of us to get smarter, faster. And, we’re always better together.
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